Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wanna Get Rid of Your Tartar in Few Minutes? Do This Home-Made Mouthwash!

Are you getting conscious talking to someone that you always think of your yellowish teeth? This is quite embarrassing, especially when someone noticed it. The yellowing of our teeth is due to deposits called tartar. These are hardened plaques accumulated from food residue and nicotine. So, if you let your teeth to undergo a poor hygiene, you may suffer from a more serious dental condition likeperidontitis.

Good thing that there are ways in order to avoid teeth complications like tartar build up. You may get rid of those dirty tartars with this home-made mouthwash in minutes!

All you need are the following:
-Baking soda
-Hydrogen peroxide
-Warm water
-Dental pick
-Antiseptic mouthwash

1. Mix a half teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of baking soda.
2. Dip your toothbrush in a warm water and then dip the brush onto the mixture. Brush on the teeth for about five minutes.
3. Gargle a cup of hydrogen peroxide with half cup of warm water for a minute.
4. Using a dental pick, rub the tartar carefully so that gums will not be irritated.
5. Rinse mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash.

You may also use strawberries, tomatoes and other fruits that are rich in vitamin C for five minutes. These will soften the tartar.

Hope this life hack solution helps.

Source: TNP

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